Can Heirs Force the Sale of Property in Texas?

While the will may be perfectly clear about the ownership of property, it does not automatically follow that all is well for the surviving owners. This article discusses how heirs can force the sale of property.

Can one sibling forced sale of inherited house? If a property is left in a will between several beneficiaries, is it legal for one beneficiary to refuse to sell the house? A surviving spouse or child can force a sale of property by bringing legal action against any dissenter. But if the property must be sold, each beneficiary is entitled to sell his or her share.

Inheriting a House with Siblings

Here are the steps to go through if all heirs do not agree to sell the property:

1. The Probate Process: Rights of Heirs to Property

The first step of the process is to go through probate. The executor of the will is responsible for filing the will with the court and for distributing the assets of the estate to the heirs. If there is no will, the court appoints an administrator. You need to go through probate, and you need the permission of the court and the siblings to sell the house. If the estate is small enough, you can ask the court to use the simplified probate process. Texas probate courts have simplified procedures that you may be able to use if the estate is small enough. If someone else has filed for probate, you need to go through probate court and you need the cooperation of all living heirs.

2. The Property Appraisal: Can Property Be Sold?

Homes and buildings can be extremely valuable. An appraisal is a professional’s opinion of the worth of your home or building, based on its market value. The best way to convince your siblings to sell the property is to get an outside appraiser to give you a dollar amount on the home or building. You can then split the wealth between each other and be done with the process.

3. The Buyout Talk: Heirs Agree to Sell

Your sibling’s share could be part of your inheritance. If you want to buy that share, go through the will to find out how much they own and whether or not they are willing to sell it. If not, ask them if they would be willing to let you cash out their stake after the sale. If your brother or sister owns part of the inheritance, you might be able to work out a deal where they sell it to you. Talk with them about how much of their share they want to cash out now, and buy it from them.

4. The Partition Action: Executor Forces a Sale of Property

A partition action is a legal proceeding in which a court orders the sale of a property. This is a major step that can be emotionally and financially difficult for a family. A partition lawsuit can happen when you share property with other people and do not agree on how to split the assets. A partition lawsuit is a legal process where a property is divided and sold, usually due to disagreement among owners. This process can be expensive and may not result in the outcome you desire. If you do not reach an agreement with the court on a buyout, then your property will be sold at auction. If you appeal, this could result in costly and damaging litigation for both parties.

Do You Need a Probate Attorney to Settle an Estate in Austin?

Our probate attorneys are skilled in probate administration and litigation, from the initial delivery of an accurate death certificate to the final distribution of all assets according to the court order. Hire an experienced probate lawyer in the Austin-Round Rock metro area or in the surrounding communities. Contact us on our homepage, and don’t forget to ask about our Free 30-minute probate attorney consultation.

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Can a sibling force the sale of an inherited property?

The answer to this question depends on the state in which the property is located. In some states, the surviving siblings have the right to force the sale of the inherited property. If you aren’t interested in keeping your parents’ money, it makes sense to sell. However, if you have siblings, you are going to need all of your knowledge about the market if you want them to join you in selling too.

What happens if one person wants to sell a house and the other doesn’t?

If you’re selling a house and your spouse, partner or any other co-owner doesn’t want to sell, this could be a serious problem. You should try to negotiate a buyout agreement with them so you can sell the property and move on. You can also file a lawsuit to compel your spouse, partner or any other co-owner to sell.

What happens if one sibling doesn’t want to sell your house?

If a parent owns a house and wants to leave it to her children when she dies, she can just leave it to them in her will. But what happens if the siblings don’t want to sell the house after the parent dies? The property could be held in a family trust or possibly a share of a company that owns the house.

How to divide parents property?

Parents are not obligated to leave their property to their children. In the absence of a will, the distribution of property is regulated by the law. There are many reasons why parents may not like to have their children inherit all of their property. If you do not have a will, the state will decide who gets your property after you die. You can set up a trust that distributes your property to another person instead of your children.

How to divide inherited property between siblings?

When someone dies without making a will, state law determines how their property will be divided, and their debts will be paid. For example, in some states, if there are no children or other relatives, the property is divided equally among the parents or siblings. When siblings inherit a deceased parent’s property, their desire to divide the property equally puts them in conflict with each other. The key is to figure out the deceased person’s intentions behind the distribution of his estate.

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